Thursday, May 21, 2020

Synthesis of Truman Show and Platos Allegory of the Cave

Critical Analysis of The Truman Show and Platos Allegory of the Cave When The Truman Show was released in 1998, it was just another popular Hollywood flick, but its story is closely related to Platos Allegory of the Cave. The plot line for the movie follows this classic tale in many ways, some more obvious then others. As with most cinematic treachery, the movies similarities are no coincidence. The writers drew from Platos classic because it is such a universal story and is something that everyone can relate to in some way. When the film was released, the general viewing public didnt attend the theater with the intent to analyze and critique the film in relation to an ancient, revered, and highly intellectual tale. Rather,†¦show more content†¦As in Allegory of the Cave, even when he sees reality, he doesnt see it as reality, but because his fake reality is so ingrained, he tries to relate these new found phenomena as anomalies in his reality. When he approaches the light his eyes will be dazzled, and he will not be able to see anything at a ll of what are now called realities (Jacobus 447). His reality is all he believes in so any anomaly to it arent perceived as the real reality even though they are. This proves that our reality is only the comfort and familiar things that we have experienced and therefore, each individuals reality is somewhat different because some traits that are familiar to one individuals reality, are completely abnormal and unrealistic in anothers. As with how the characters in Platos story who had seen the light and perceived reality couldnt relate to the people who were still in the cave. In the end Truman (Jim Carey) begins to realize his folly and realizes that his world isnt as whole as he had once thought. A dedicated cast member who meets with Truman in order to warn him of his cage appears completely insane but is the spark that is needed to start Trumans ascent into reality. As in Allegory of The Cave he begins to abandon his world and reaches out into another. But in doing so he becomes discontented with his current situation because he accepts that

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